Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio..October 21st.. and Intense Ouch...

Mercury is Retrograde... in Scorpio conjunct my natal Saturn which is making a return of sorts it seems. Oh, it's also getting near my Venus. Oh my...

I decided to bring this blog back or maybe go back and review it and rework it a bit. Play with it. Mercury Retrograde is a good time to replay things out in your mind and in life.

My brother spent the day the Social Security because my mother's paper work got messed up. A roof is being redone, because it was not done right. I'm going to be looking through my mother's things to decide how we take apart her condo. If that is not Mercury Retrograde leaving his calling card.. I don't know what is.

And truth is sometimes you have to look back, review, revise and then move forward in life.

So, going to use this little blog I don't think much on to record any Mercury Retrograde events in my own life and the life of the people around me.

Hey, maybe when it's over we can get those big Obamacare computer programs working and move on..

You never know...

3 Weeks and then it goes forward... wouldn't it be nice if Mercury Retrogrades were like Vegas..what happens in a Mercury Retrograde stays in a Mercury Retrograde ;)

Take care and I'll be back... because it feels right to do and I'm in the mood. Then again.. I got Pluto on my Sun and Mercury and Saturn on my Saturn and a Mercury Retrograde on my Saturn. What next? A remake of Something About Mary??

Oh..did I say that... oops... must have been the Mercury making me crazy...

Besos Bobbi
Image above is from this nice site I found online while trying to make sense of it all..